View Full Version : Custom Robo - My review

Cap'n 1time
June 21st, 2004, 07:36
When you have a car, have a great job, and have a good deal of extra money in your pocket, what do you do? YOU BUY VIDEO GAMES! A few days ago I bought Custom Robo. Two days later I completed the story mode of custom robo. In my oppinion the game is quite good, though a little bit easy. It's by nintendo so naturally it has nothing to hide from the kids in it, however it has nintendo's classic humor that even adults will laugh at.

Custom Robo is an rpg with a unique system. You start viewing the hero's childhood memories. The hero's father gives him a odd watch and makes him promiss never to take the watch off.
The game starts with you (the hero) a broke young adult living in an appartment trying to pay his rent. He finds a job as a bounty hunter with a company called Steel Hearts. The Steel Hearts are not really well liked and are called the Bottem Feeders by the police. At first you Find yourself completeing missions for the Steel Hearts with the help of your co workers. Later you find yourself trying to save the world from an evil entity, blah blah blah - your average rpg storie.

The game has two story modes, an arcade mode, and multi-player modes. What makes this game cool is the parts. Their are over 200 unique parts you can find for your robot. Gun, Bomb, "Pod", and Leg upgrades - each with very differant abilities.

The game has a very good story, nice graphics, and a cool battle system. the only problem is it is a little too short for my taste and is just too easy. Still worth a look at though.