May 17th, 2007, 20:51
via Computer and Video Games (
The PSP version of PSone classic PaRappa the Rapper is hitting the UK and Europe this summer, Sony has now confirmed after the game was revealed for Japan back in September 2006.
PaRappa the Rapper on PSP is a revamped and improved version of the original PSone title and features ad-hoc multiplayer and downloadable remixed songs.
For those who have never played PaRappa the Rapper, it's a rhythm action game where you hit buttons when prompted on-screen to the tune of rap songs, star PaRappa performing actions to your presses. It's got a quirky, eye-catching visual style, all the characters paper-thin.
You play through a number of scenarios, including learning karate with a humanoid and taking your driving test with a rapping moose, with the ultimate goal of winning the heart of flower-creature Sunny Funny.
The PSP version of PSone classic PaRappa the Rapper is hitting the UK and Europe this summer, Sony has now confirmed after the game was revealed for Japan back in September 2006.
PaRappa the Rapper on PSP is a revamped and improved version of the original PSone title and features ad-hoc multiplayer and downloadable remixed songs.
For those who have never played PaRappa the Rapper, it's a rhythm action game where you hit buttons when prompted on-screen to the tune of rap songs, star PaRappa performing actions to your presses. It's got a quirky, eye-catching visual style, all the characters paper-thin.
You play through a number of scenarios, including learning karate with a humanoid and taking your driving test with a rapping moose, with the ultimate goal of winning the heart of flower-creature Sunny Funny.