View Full Version : GBAX 2005 Fenix Compilation

June 12th, 2005, 10:37
<a href="http://www.gbax.com/main.pl" target="_blank" >GBAX</a> (UK Shop similiar to Lik Sang) recently announced the entries to their <a href="http://www.gbax.com/main.pl?gbax2005/GBAX2005rr.html" target="_blank" >GBAX 2005 Coding Competition</a> and luckily for us there was a load of Fenix games in the releases, so now i managed to adapt 9 games in total, 5 Single and 1 4 game to the Dreamcast Console, heres a pic of each of em:

<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/files/ghostpix.png" width="180" height="135">

<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/files/spacedodge.png" width="180" height="135">

<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/files/minigame.png" width="180" height="135">

<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/files/banggp.png" width="180" height="135">

<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/files/gpshoot.png" width="180" height="135">

<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/files/twins.png" width="180" height="135">

Thanks to <a href="http://www.gbax.com/main.pl?" target="_blank" >GBAX </a> for the competition which gave us these new games, more information and download etc Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/gbax2005fenixcomp.shtml

June 12th, 2005, 15:18
Thx for the compilation. :D
what a wraggy !!!!!

June 12th, 2005, 18:04
thanks wraggster. Is there a chance of an sbi?

June 12th, 2005, 21:03
i dont think you can make sbis of Fenix ??

June 12th, 2005, 21:13
Hmm... Gp Shoot. "Metal Slug style game, shows good promise." And it looks good too.

I've definately got to try this out.

Sweater Fish Deluxe
June 13th, 2005, 00:09
i dont think you can make sbis of Fenix ??
Well, you can, but you just couldn't mix multiple Fenix pack SBIs on one Dream Inducer Compilation (unless you edit the FENIX.XML file yourself, which is pretty simple to do).

Since no one else has taken up the task of altering Selfboot Inducer to work with individual Fenix games the way that I suggested in a post on the Fenix forum a while back, maybe I'll just try it myself. I've never even looked at Visual BASIC code before, though. Is it anything like QBASIC?

EDIT: Okay I looked at the sbindv4 source and the changes necessary to make Fenix game SBIs work are trivial, however I'm running into a slight problem...how the hell do you turn a .BAS file into a .EXE? (is this even called compiling in the case of BASIC?)

And before I make this change and release a new version of Selfboot Inducer, I should make sure that that's okay. As far as I know no one but burnerO ever released a version of Selfboot Inducer, but the source has always been open, so I assume it'll be okay, does anyone have a way of getting touch with him, though, just to make sure? This new Sbinducr.exe will be fully compatible with all the v.4 SBIs out there, no one using it would know it was any different unless they used it with the special Fenix game SBIs that I'll also release. Another question I have is are the people at Sbiffy and DCHelp, etc. willing to change the current Sbindv4 file they're carrying for this new one (maybe called Sbindv4b)? Because I don't want to create this if it's just going to fragment the Selfboot Inducer concept. The cool thing about Selfboot Inducer and SBIs has always been how user friendly they are, but if there's two versions of the program running around and SBIs for Fenix games that won't work with one of the "current" versions, that would hamper the whole newbie-friendliness of the program.

One other thing I should check first is whether people here think it's okay to release the currently ported Fenix games in this new format (as SBIs)? Again, Fenix games are open source, so it should be okay, but I gotta ask. It doesn't even seem like all of the original authors are even aware that their games have been ported to the DC, so I can't imagine that new distribution of the DC version would matter. Also, Wraggster, since you did most of these ports, is it okay with you if I release SBIs for individual games instead of the compilations you've been putting out regularly?

Okay, I think that's all. No steppy, no toesies, know what I mean?

...word is bondage...

June 14th, 2005, 03:23
I didn't want GP32 version to be released for the Dreamcast, I'd prefered be asked before the release. Now, it's alredy done, but it will be better if the next time, developers are notifed. Thanks.

June 14th, 2005, 20:19
whoops sorry about that, if you like ill remove it from the release ?

again my aplogies :(

June 14th, 2005, 20:20
The ports arent mine they are the authors but i cant see a problem with seperate sbi for them unless someone objects

June 14th, 2005, 21:25
Nah, don't remove my game... I don't know how it works on DC... anyways I don't think all the controls of the game are available on the Dreamcast... :( . And about an SBI, it would be great if finally we can make a SBI release of Fenix games, but I don't know how that can be done.