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Cave announces Espgaluda II HD for iPad 2

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Japanese bullet-hell specialist Cave released a version of 2005 arcade shooter Espgaluda II for iPhone last year, but is now set to release an HD version for iPad 2.

While most of Espgaluda II's graphics have been remastered in HD some, including backgrounds, remain in standard definition. Three versions of the game will be released - a faithful recreation of the arcade machine, a smartphone version that uses touchscreen controls, and the full version, which contains both arcade and smartphone modes.

The original iOS release will be similarly split, and updated with new music. No specific release date was announced, though launch can't be too far away, with Cave promising an App Store release this autumn.

Cave is recognised by Guinness World Records as the most prolific developer of bullet-hell, or "danmaku" shooters, in the world after 48 releases in its 16-year history.


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