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Disaster Report creator working on new IP for Vita and PS3

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

The creator of Disaster Report 4, Kazuma Kujo, may have suffered a small setback when his game was canceled following the earthquake in Japan last year. But it hasn't turned him off of game development for good: he reports via Twitter that his new studio at developer Granzella is hard at work on a new titlefor both the PS3 and the PS Vita.

Kujo says that the game will be downloadable, though the PSP isn't planned to be supported at this time. It's a completely original IP, he says, but wouldn't tell Twitter followers in what genre it would be.

Granzella is working on at least two titles for the PS3 and the Vita, and this is presumably one of them. Kujo also says he'd like to make a war strategy game at some point, similar to the old R-Type Tactics games, and that he knows followers are looking for a Steambot Chronicles sequel in the future as well. Let's just hope production for all of these goes a little smoother than last time.


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