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ZXDS v1.1.0

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
via http://gbatemp.net/
Patrik Rak has updated ZXDS, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator, to version 1.1.0. See the change log for what's new in this edition, and be sure to check out the project page and developer's blog for more details about the progress of this DS homebrew.
Change Log (12/20/12) said:
+ Custom ROMs support. See roms/readme.txt for more info.
+ IF2 ROMs and 48k/128k ROMs can be loaded directly in load requester.
+ Both SZX and Z80 snapshots now support custom ROMs as well.
+ TR-DOS/Beta Disk support for all models, not only Pentagon.
Simply choose the model or reset the machine while a disk is loaded.
You can also autoboot any disk with current model by using R+A.
+ Beta 128 in 48k mode responds even to the standard Beta 48 entry points.
This makes both Beta 128 and many Beta 48 programs work at the same time.
+ True Beta 48 mode can be enabled with proper beta48.rom (such as TK90X's CBI95 ROM).
+ Added NMI aka Magic button - becomes useful with some custom ROMs.
+ Added custom keyboards for more games as well as one for more comfortable text typing.
+ Added Virtual TR-...View full quote
+ Custom ROMs support. See roms/readme.txt for more info.
+ IF2 ROMs and 48k/128k ROMs can be loaded directly in load requester.
+ Both SZX and Z80 snapshots now support custom ROMs as well.
+ TR-DOS/Beta Disk support for all models, not only Pentagon.
Simply choose the model or reset the machine while a disk is loaded.
You can also autoboot any disk with current model by using R+A.
+ Beta 128 in 48k mode responds even to the standard Beta 48 entry points.
This makes both Beta 128 and many Beta 48 programs work at the same time.
+ True Beta 48 mode can be enabled with proper beta48.rom (such as TK90X's CBI95 ROM).
+ Added NMI aka Magic button - becomes useful with some custom ROMs.
+ Added custom keyboards for more games as well as one for more comfortable text typing.
+ Added Virtual TR-DOS games and ZX AAA demos sites to servers.cfg.
* Pressing Start twice upon startup now takes you to the last used files view.
* Few subtle changes (save slot media loading, ROM launch stats).
* Little optimizations (Z80 core, sound generation, normal speed load mode).
* Subtle emulation improvements (authentic SCF/CCF, MEMPTR and AY white noise).
* Minor bugfixes (grayscale border, step direction bit).
! Merry Christmas.

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