Movie Magic magazine's latest issue includes a really big spread for Half-Blood Prince. They interviewed a variety of cast and crew, who also spoke about the upcoming Deathly Hallows film. Thanks to, we have text copies of the interviews.

Production Designer Stuart Craig on the HBP cave:
Movie Magic: Because you have actors performing against the small parts of the cave you have to actually build, what aspects of it did you construct?
Stuart: We built that island, we built the boat that they travel in, and part of the shoreline they leave to get to the island. But they are like one percent of the total that you'll see in the final film.

Producer David Heyman on the Deathly Hallows split:
"You obviously need to find the right end point in the book halfway through," he says. "Each has to be a self-contained unit. Each film so far has been different from the one that preceded it, so we need to do that with Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2. There is the challenge of making two separate films that you want to have an identity of their own while you're shooting them at the same time. That being said, what is exciting , what works in our favor, is taht we have a very clear sense of what the two films are and what the thematic underpinnings of each part are, which in itself will provide a distinct nature to each of them."