How does Resident Evil's new portable rendition live up to the classic series? With a current average ranking of 76% and many more reviews outstanding, it could be a welcome addition for many gamers. Here's what the critics are saying:

Gamespot 79% - "You know a game's a classic when you can play it years later and still have a great time. Resident Evil: Deadly Silence is surprisingly successful at translating the scary bits of the original to a much smaller format, and the end result has a lot to offer Resident Evil fans as well as those who've always wondered what the fuss is about."

IGN 70% - "... It's hard to ignore all the little quirks in gameplay and presentation that were a bit easier to disregard in the earlier days of 3D adventuring, so if we look at it as a new title instead of a revival, well, it's not a whole lot better than a good but flawed game design."

1UP 80% - "In an effort to milk the Resident Evil cow once again, Capcom has converted the classic but flawed original title to -- of all places -- the Nintendo DS, and while the game succeeds on many levels, it also suffers in some obvious respects... While polygon counts have shrunk to accommodate the handheld's particular specs, you never feel shortchanged."