The knell for PlayStation 3 price cuts is getting louder. Both Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey and Media Molecule co-founder Alex Evans -- whose LittleBigPlanet has been a major driver for the platform -- feel the price of Sony's console should go down soon.

Evans believes Sony's core audience has their PS3s already, and broadening the install base will be a boon: "They've had all these, you know, SingStars and the EyeToy games. They've had their casual gaming audience on the PS2, and they have to translate that over to PS3 now."

The LBP co-creator explains: "As they do that, I'll be very happy with that, because that's how I see PS3 growing. That's why I'm kind of comfortable with it for now... As soon as they drop their price, ho ho ho."

Amends the Media Molecule co-founder, "I shouldn't say that, but it's true. I mean, you know."