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Thread: Atari++ v1.57 Released

  1. #1

    Default Atari++ v1.57 Released

    via Bazzie

    A new version Thomas Richter's Atari++ has been released. Atari++ emulates the Atari 5200, 400, 800, 400XL, 800XL and 130XE.

    Here's what's new in Atari++ v1.57:
    • Fixed a couple of issues in the GUI, specifically when entering data into string gadgets.
    • Fixed again a couple of exception handling issues in the menu.
    • Made the keypad stick configurable, the keys for joystick emulation are now part of the configuration.
    • Added a dummy front-end, "NONE", that does not render anything to the screen.
    • This release supports .CAS images; however, they are not part of a C: (tape) emulation, but emulated as disks. Depending on the contents of the tape archive, the disk is either considered a boot disk, a binary or a basic file.
    • This release supports better disk support for BASIC and MAC/65 files. If you insert such a file into the emulated disk drive, the emulator
      will build a DOS 2.0S compatible disk structure around it and you can load the image from the emulated disk as D:PROGRAM.BAS or D:PROGRAM.ASM. Note that such disks are *not* bootable, you first need to boot, and then turn on the emulated disk drive.

    Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

  2. #2


    The forum software would not allow me to upload any files. It prompts me to download a 0 byte file named newattachment.php or gives a fatal PHP error. I'm sure the admins will take care of that soon, but until then you can download it from the author's homepage or my Atari++ page.

  3. #3
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    yeah bloody forum is playing up at the moment . thanks for news

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