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Thread: PSP Firmware 2.80 Hidden Secrets

  1. #31
    PSP User
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    Dam sony. Why don't they embrace homebrew like GP2X?

  2. #32
    Registered User Mr. Shizzy's Avatar
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    So is it they can just deny you access to there web page; or is it they can permanently disable your browser? If ppl's PSP's are damaged, there will definently be lawsuits!

  3. #33
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    i dont think they can disable your browser (or at least i hope not ) they can block access to some sites though probably

  4. #34
    DCEmu Newbie
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    It would be great if everyone used dev hook for 2.8 when it comes out and they change the message from your personal information to screw sony and have all the people who use it go to sony's website.

  5. #35


    Its now even possible for websites to check your PSP firmware and choose whether or not to grant you access!
    This is also possible with different versions of IE, Firefox or any other web browser. I dont see it as anything to be too alarmed about

  6. #36


    how about a nice lawsuit against sony or at least make it known to everyone about their evil deeds it'll make my day that would be better than getting money from them to me lol...

  7. #37
    Banned Voltron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luis_05
    If i understood correctly, what sony is trying to do is let web developers create web sites created specifically for the psp, such as games site, but the web develope has the power to shut down the browser through some code. This is alarming indeed, some idiot might setup a web page, ppl visit it and bam, something bad happens to their psp :-( F*** YOU SONY!!!
    Well I see right through this. This is going to be used to block people that do not have a genuine 2.80 or 3.00 PSP from using the download service Sony will be unveiling with their PSOne EMU.

    This could be them trying to counter DevHook emulation because whatever site or developer has the power to block access to PSP's will likely block DevHook emulated browsers.

    This is all just theory but I think its a safe bet that Sony will be taking some measures to combat DevHook.

    If I am wrong, I hope I did not just give Sony any ideas.... LOL

  8. #38
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    Sony is trying to mass genocide all the 1.5 PSPs.

  9. #39
    PSP User uhoh_hotdogs's Avatar
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    I'll give it up to Sony, that was quite the unexpected maneurver.

  10. #40
    DCEmu Rookie Pumped'Up's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prasoc
    Dam sony. Why don't they embrace homebrew like GP2X?
    Agreed. If it wasn't for Homebrew, sorry, the PSP would have been dead long ago. Really, I love my PSP but all I really use it for is generally Homebrew - that is, I haven't bought a UMD yet since purchasing my PSP in May of 2005.

    I'm a fan of Sony products and this fw check is a low blow...but it is SMALL/NEGLIGIBLE. Don't forget, Microsoft is probably 100x worse than Sony when it comes to privacy laws. We use WinXP for EVERYTHING on our computers and I'm positive that MS knows much more about each of us than what firware our PSP has!

    What I'm trying to say is, don't be mad at Sony. But hopefully, Sony will hear our voices and remove this fw check as it is probably much more damaging to their reputation now (since it is publically known) than it is in helping them fight homebrew activities.

    But I agree, Sony should just accept homebrew and leave it at that. They don't have to embrace or support it, just accept it for what it is and leave it completely be. Why? For example, if Sony had decided to remove all "anti-homebrew" checks in their next firware release, their UMD and PSP sales would jump 10 fold. Here's why:

    - Those that want to own a 1.5 PSP (or don't know about devhook or downgraders) don't buy becuase of access problems and need to revert to eBay.

    - More PSP owners with the latest fw = more incentive to buy newer UMD games

    - ALL of us homebrew users would be very happy that we could enjoy our PSPs to it's fullest potential which directly translates to brand loyalty and helps Sony with higher sales in ALL their products.

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