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Thread: Paying To stay with your parents?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default Paying To stay with your parents?

    The reason I am living with my mom right now Is because I'm trying to save up money to goto college. Unlike most familys my parents never put a funding aside for me to goto college.

    At home all I use for eletricity is my laptop.. thats it I sometimes use my light. once a week I use the washing machine and dryer. I pay for the internet and hardly ever turn on my T.V. I don't eat all her food or anything like that for the most part I buy my own.

    Now my mom is asking for one whole weeks paycheck from me or she will throw me out on the streets, If I give this to her this will slow me down by alot going to college.

    My question is do you think my mom is being greedy to do such a thing? Frankly she just gets by herself, but so do I. I hardly ever buy stuff for myself unless It's food. I think she owes it to me to live here rent free. I have agreed to pay her 20 dollars a week then suddenly she changed it to my whole paycheck a month. I know for a fact 20 dollars a week covers more than what I use in this house so it should be enough.

    BTW im 19

  2. #2
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    i know of parents that charge rent to there older kids, so try and motivate them... but from what you said it sound like your mom is being over the top. It could be a bluff to get more money off you, pretend you looking for somewhere to live, see how she reacts

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    Wow. That's sad battleroyalex. It doesn't seem fair...

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darksaviour69
    i know of parents that charge rent to there older kids, so try and motivate them... but from what you said it sound like your mom is being over the top. It could be a bluff to get more money off you, pretend you looking for somewhere to live, see how she reacts
    she has thrown me out before she would do it again.. Im not a bad kid either, Never do drugs, never get drunk, never come home past midnight. It's just ridiclious.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    paying rent is part of growing up man, it's hard when you've grown up freeloading off your parents like we all have then suddenly when you're earning- having to contribute but it's what you have to do.

    Show you are grown up, independent and responsible by paying it. It'll also mean you deserve more respect in the house and more say in what goes on.

    She doesn't owe you to live there for free, why would she? It sounds like she's making a big deal out of it, is she struggling financially? they might explain it.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by souLLy
    paying rent is part of growing up man, it's hard when you've grown up freeloading off your parents like we all have then suddenly when you're earning- having to contribute but it's what you have to do.

    Show you are grown up, independent and responsible by paying it. It'll also mean you deserve more respect in the house and more say in what goes on.

    She doesn't owe you to live there for free, why would she? It sounds like she's making a big deal out of it, is she struggling financially? they might explain it.
    she is 2 mental disabilities whatever I do doesn't make her happy. Living here is hell I'd love to move out but I can't If paying a weeks paycheck would make her a better person I would pay it in a heartbeat, But It won't shes been a bitch to me her whole life I don't owe her crap in my eyes.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie brainpan's Avatar
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    Hmm, this may be very personal but how much do you make a week? Do you put ALL of your money toward college? How much do you spend for personel item i.e. games, clothes, friends, etc?
    The reason I am asking is because I had a tough time living in my house right before college and i too had to pay for school myself. Have you looked into student loans? I am sure if you come from a low income family and your grades are ok, you be eligible for a lot of scholarships.
    Personally, I took out student loans to pay for school and I know that I'll be paying for it BUT I could neverget anything done at my house while I lived there and I was way too stressed all the time. I actually have a much better relationship with my mother now too.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie Fiverson's Avatar
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    Yeah, I know where you're comin from. My mom wanted 350/month from me to stay with her. Not including food. I was 18. In these cases, I think it's best to sit her down and try to talk things out. See why she's charging you so much. My mom freaked out on me cause I got bad grades in college, quit my 10-15 hr/week job, my car was breaking down, and I sprained my ankle (badly). All inside of a week's time. So it was a huge comedy of errors that sent her over the edge.

    I'd recommend looking into financial aid.
    Talk it out with her. Feel out if she's resentful towards you for being online all the time.
    Maybe offer to pay her more money (towards absolutely everything of hers you consume)

    If nothing comes from the sit-down and she still wants your entire financial aid.

  9. #9
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    Dude he's right,you need to look into financial aid,grants,student loans and things like that

    That's probably the only thing that will give the results you desire.

    Plus living with your parents after age 18 just sucks,because of the control issues some parents seem to have.

    anyway,best of luck
    Oh wait I don't believe in luck
    Just make it happen

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    I support parents' rights to request rent, but so many of them are requesting rediculous ammounts like this these days. I think it's their way of trying to motivate you to leave on your own. Or, in your mom's case (since you confirmed she has mental peculiarities), she could very well be trying to prevent you from going to college and being "successful". This sort of sabotage isn't rare. Keeping you miserable probably validates her life.

    As others have said, deal with the situation as rationally as possible, but if, in the end she refuses to see reason, remember that whether you pay rent or not, you live there and HAVE A RIGHT TO DO SO. (Since you said "dollars", I'm assuming that you live in the US where every state has laws that prevent you from being irrationally thrown out on the street). If you absolutely can not afford college and individual lodging on your own and your mom wants to press the issue, call the cops if she actually tries to throw you out. She has to give you (reasonable) notice prior to doing so (at least 60 days in most places), and if you've been paying ANY sort of rent on a regular basis (you DID say you've been paying her 20 a week = 80 per month), that complicates her case all that much more (especially if you have relatives and/or friends of your Mom's that are willing to testify to this). Getting the law involved is deffinately unpleasant, but your mom clearly isn't looking out for your best interests, so it's very important that you do, even if it means getting the law involved.

    If you can get your mom to calm down on the issue, make sure that you stick to your plans. Don't get sidetracked and make sure you save up all your money for school, or else she'll have good cause to throw you out and you won't have anything to show for the time you lived there. You'd really be screwed then.

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