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I’ve been browsing through several newspages, forums, etc. to see how 6.35 PRO-B is being used… and I’ve discovered a big misunderstanding most guys suffer from.
Fast Recovery is not a recovery menu!
It’s a “Fast Launcher for People who already have installed the CFW using the Updater” !
The Updater launches a Pre-Execution Environment to execute the Kernel Module Installer, this takes about 10 seconds extra time… however, once the CFW is installed there is no need for that anymore…
Fast Recovery is a fast app to recover CFW functions after they have been disabled by a system shutdown.
The Updater + Install + Reboot to PRO takes about 20 seconds total time…
Booting into PRO CFW using Fast Recovery takes 10 seconds only, but has no install / uninstall options.
I hope this solves the misunderstandings people suffer from.