The Arvon Foundation has launched a dedicated games writing course, featuring the likes of Heavenly Sword writer Rhianna Pratchett.
The five-day, residential course will be tutored by Naomi Alderman and David Varela, both of whom have worked on Mind Candy's ARG Perplex City, with Alderman also writing for The Guardian.
"Gaming is now the largest entertainment industry in the world - it covers everything from FarmVille to Call Of Duty, from Wii games to alternate reality adventures," Alderman said. "Increasingly, gamelike ways of telling stories are bleeding through to older forms too - theatre, TV and even novels are becoming more interactive.
"So it's a perfect moment for any writer to start to learn what's going on in the world of games, and how to use those skills and techniques."
Pratchett added: "Game writing is the latest cresting wave of the narrative world and this course will ensure you have the knowledge to ride it."
The first course starts on January 30 at The Ted Hughes Arvon Centre in West Yorkshire, with prices starting at £575. For more, follow the source link below.
Source: Arvon Foundation