According to creator David Jaffe, initial design for the franchise's PS3 debut started on November 10 between him and the director. But that doesn't mean God Of War 3 has got the green light from Sony HQ. Even though Jaffe is "dying to make a new one".

Jaffe said, "That doesn't mean we're in development, it just means I've got my notebook open, I've got a bunch of books in front of me, and I'm starting to think 'what could it be if we actually make it?'"

He added, "No one's come down from Sony exec level and said 'here's your money, here's you team, go make it.' We have a lot of ideas of how we can do a lot of neat things with the controller in every aspect of the game design."

See the full interview (at the Playboy Mansion), over on

via cvg