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Thread: PSPRadio Network help.

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default PSPRadio Network help.

    Hi I installed PSPRadio and all looks good. However I am unable to connect to my network. In the release notes to the latest version, the author of PSPRadio makes a reference to 'no more static and dynamic mumbo jumo' although I am not certain what he means. However I am using a staic IP in the format of 192.168.XXX - which is required for a number of other applications I use.

    When I start PSPRadio it simply says 'error, unable to connect to network' (or words to that effect).

    I am fully able to browse the net with the native PSP Web browser and all my other network enabled apps and emulators work - including PimPStreamer, PSPVLC and PSPVNC.

    For whatever reason it seems that PSPRadio doesn't like my network configuration - and it is this that is preventing it from connecting to my network.

    I understand that the author of this app refers to static and dynamic IP's as 'mumbo jumbo' - but I have always found that things tend to work better if you do in fact use a static IP.

    I have selected my connection in the menu and have enabled the network to start when PSPRadio starts - so as far as I can tell I have done everything that is required. (Although obviously I haven't since it still can't connect to anything).

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Well OK, how about does anyone know raf's email address (raf is the developer of PSP radio) so that I can at least ask on the official PSPRadio forums?

    I tried registering there, but 12 hours later I still have no confirmation email from them - and the site won't let me request it sends my registration email again.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Oh well, I guess I have a snowball's chance in hell of getting an answer.

    Just for the sake of making a note - and in case anyone does feel inclinded to offer some suggestions,

    I used the PSPRadio WiFiScan plugin - and it was able to find my access point.

    However the resolver test failed with the following results:

    PSPRadio IP ''
    Created resolver 0x00000002
    resolved '' to ''
    resolved ip to ' '

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro
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    I tried using a static IP for PSP Radio as well, and like you, it couldn't connect.

    I tried making a new connection with dynamic IP, but the network chooser in PSP Radio only displayed that as some mumbo jumbo. So I had to delete the static IP connection for it to work.

    I hope that's not a problem for you and that this will be fixed in the future. It's quite annoying since I too have experienced that things are better in static mode.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Actually, the static and dynamic doesn't refer to IP addresses. It's to do with the application.

    Anyhow, if you are in custom firmware make sure you put it in the GAME271, GAME302, GAME303, or GAME310 folders... That solves most problems.


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