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Thread: Sonic and the secret rings Review

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Rev Sonic and the secret rings Review

    As you know Sonic and the secret rings is out and burning up the charts with its wild fire of traditional and new elements of game play. The folks over at IGN have already given it a score.
    Be warned. Hard core sonic fans should take this with a grain of salt. As IGN is known to be blunt, direct and in rare cases even flat out mistaken. ( Recalls a certain negative kingdom heart 2 interview)

    Anyhoo here is what IGN had to say about Sonic and the secret rings.

    "Sonic and the Secret Rings is my favorite entry into the franchise since its 2D roots. That's high praise for some, I'm quite certain. Bearing that in mind, if you really liked the Sonic Adventure titles for Dreamcast or GameCube, I think you will find much more to be excited about in this Wii-exclusive undertaking. I can tell you that the experience is more fun and more beautiful than any other – at least, as far as I'm concerned. But that being true, there are still flaws – big ones – and I'm less willing to tolerate and forgive them now that 3D games have fully evolved and we've seen exactly what great developers can do in the third dimension. Sonic Team has taken a giant step in the right direction here, and of that there is little doubt, which is why I hope that more time and attention goes into the camera system and level designs for the inevitable sequel.

    I want to take moment to specifically explain the score. For me, Sonic and the Secret Rings offers moments of greatness where I find myself caught up in the intensity of the experience and, oppositely, moments where I want to pull my hair out or throw the Wii remote down because of imprecise control or insulting design choices. I think that some gamers, particularly diehard Sonic fans, will be able to get past these drawbacks and enjoy the great times, which are also in supply. However, for me it's really pretty simple. Call me harsh, but I don't believe you should be forced to deal with the bad to enjoy the good and hence, I've scored the game with that in mind.

    Giving Sonic a overall passable grade of 6.9.
    Still us true sonic fans know. An IGN grade of 6.9 equals out to a high 8 in "the land of reality"
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  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie Demolition49's Avatar
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    Yeah IGN can be a bit stupid with review scores somtimes, looking at every detail which most dont even notice wont really reflect how people enjoy it.

    That might sound odd, but the truth is people dont pay as much attention as us "hardcore gamers" do.

  3. #3


    IGN says it's like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Sonic Adventure had 8.6 and Sonic Adventure 2 had 9.4 (both on Dreamcast). I still cannot understand what IGN istrying to say..

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