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Thread: NDS - QuakeDS Preview 2 released

  1. #41
    Wii User Sin-07's Avatar
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    Config-CFG-file crosshair "0" I Got it!!

    crosshair "1" = Crosshair in the game

  2. #42
    DCEmu Newbie latoshi's Avatar
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    its awsome all it needs is more speed i think

    like my sig?

  3. #43


    Change the number from zero to one. Save, restart game.
    EDIT: just saw you got it!

  4. #44
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonjhall View Post
    @dominik - what mod do you want to run? How *exactly* would you run it on the PC? Tell me and I'll tell you what you have to do for the DS version.
    Make sure it does actually work with the given options on the PC though :-)

    And Sin, no crosshair eh? Err... Do you get the rest of the game?! Is it textured? Do you have crosshair turned on in the config file?!
    Skate and Quake rally.
    Rally will not work on ds but skate isn't that big.

    i run it in this way :
    and then under running options or so :

    QUAKEPFADHERE" -game skate


  5. #45
    DCEmu Regular Mr_Biggs's Avatar
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    just beat the whole game, friggin awesome work simon! aside from texture bugs, i discovered the occasional 3D glitches in some levels, i.e. what would appear to be barriers stretched across the screen, yet have no collision values. yeah, i know i point out a lot of crap, but i dont mean any disrespect, considering the most i could do is make a dual screen pic of quake displayed through moonshell.

  6. #46


    @dominik, hello mate I just had a go with skate - it's easy to get going!
    As per the instructions in the skate readme, make a directory (in the root of your flash card) named 'skate'. Extract the zip file into that, with full directory structure.
    Now you've gotta tell QDS how to start this mod: make a text file in the root of your card named 'qdsopts.txt'.
    Open that file in notepad.
    On the first line type '-game', without quotes
    On the second line type 'skate' without quotes, then hit enter to put a newline. Save the file, plug into DS and turn on. When you start a new game you'll be on a skateboard! The demos don't show you on a skateboard though - but then again it doesn't when running on the PC...
    Btw the model texture is way too big for the DS, so you'll get a checkerboard.

  7. #47


    @mr_biggs: that's great! I'm glad you can get all the way through! Some of those levels took a lot of effort to fit into 4 megabytes :-S
    Anyway - the texture bugs, yeah I know - that's the non-power of two textures that the designers sometimes used. They're used *loads* in ep4, so I'm not surprised you see lots of corruption! And those funny walls you're seeing in the later levels - that's due to the level being too big for the DS' 3D hardware. I'll fix that in a later build.
    But yeah no biggie - keep finding them bugs!

  8. #48
    DCEmu Rookie Sir_Voe's Avatar
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    I was on the level "The Wind Tunnels", and I got a message saying something like "you are out of the fake stack, contact me if this happens". It was right as I got shot out of the 2nd to last tube. I'm using an M3 Simply. While I'm here, thanks for all the hard work. It works great besides that one occurance.

  9. #49


    The wind tunnels eh? Yeah, that level performs pretty poorly! But thanks for getting in touch - any way you could replicate this for me? What would be really awesome would be if you could make a game save just before it happens, so I can fix it...

    I'm just trying to cobble together random fixes for the game so I can pop them in the multiplayer build.

  10. #50


    having the same error as stormwolf18
    it gets stuck at freeing precaches

    using an m3lite microsd (slot2)

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