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Thread: six degrees of separation...

  1. #1

    Default six degrees of separation...

    Is it taken as red that everyone in the world is connected? That everyone is monotonously the same instead of different like we would all like to believe? Cops and murder detectives would tell you that everyone who commits a crime has a detectable pattern that they can find, does this mean that there is no infallible solution to illegal activities? How do we explain things that are more than coincidence? Things that should have no connection have connections through some of the most meaningless things that people just blow it off as a coincidence, but when these little coincidences pile up it begins to stand out. I may just have an overactive imagination, in fact I'm entirely sure that I read too much into things. But I believe that true coincidences are very rare, and everything is interconnected for some reason.

    maybe this is human paranoia.

    What are your thoughts on this.

    oh, P.S.: Kennedy was assassinated by the government because his actions and connections with the mob and the drug runners in Cuba would have started world war III.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro SnesR0X's Avatar
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  3. #3


    is it a coincidence that one week before 9/11 President George W. Bush had a conference with the bin laden family? How about the fact that the bin ladens hold the majority of money in our banks? And now our troops are in Iraq and they had been looking for a man that was executed some time ago, why are we still there? Why were we there to begin with. He had nothing to do with 9/11 bin laden did, yet we are not looking for him at the moment.

    Now how's this for coincidence Santa is an anagram of Satan. Santa represents greediness and superficialness (hopes that he brings you want you want for christmas) and Satan represents greed and selfishness almost the same thing just as satan is almost the same as santa.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro SnesR0X's Avatar
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    interesting, but remember, the santa we know today was fabricated by Coca-cola

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