Another analyst has issued a damning verdict on the future fortunes of Nintendo’s Wii U.
GamesIndustry reports that DFC Intelligence analyst David Cole says in an upcoming report that the firm is lowering its lifetime Wii U sales forecasts, predicting that it will struggle to reach a quarter of Wii’s 100m lifetime unit sales.
"We are once again lowering our outlook for the Wii U,” he stated. “Right now it is looking to do about what the GameCube did during its lifespan which is mainly be another system for Nintendo first party product."
GameCube’s lifetime sales fell just short of 22m units worldwide.
"I think Nintendo is carving out a different audience,” Cole added. “I think that being said it is the right strategy. The audience they are going after is not the ones that Sony and Microsoft are going after. Right now they need to go after Nintendo fans first.
“They should have done that last year but better late than never. It is the right approach but really Nintendo now is just trying to do as well as the GameCube so they have a base to sell first party software."
Fellow US analyst Michael Pachter told the audience at London Games Conference last week that Wii U is “toast”, predicting lifetime sales of 30m units and saying: “If you are a Nintendo fan bitching about my opinion on Wii U, stop, put your money where your mouth is and buy a Wii U."