News/release from Vloz:

New to the forum and especially uber newbie in the field of "programatation" rather than start with a MMO-GTA-RPG who smashes FFXII, I said to myself:
"Why not listen to the advice of those who know better?"
And now 3 weeks after I finished my first ever program with the uber-cool PAlib:

A nice little snake, surely the best way to begin (no need pointer, to know modular programming, ect ...)!

That is why I can post on this topic sources version uber-alléger (but comment to death!) To avoid else like me, turning into donkeys for certain things ...
Obviously, it is therefore only 3 weeks that I code, and therefore I do not at all guarantee the quality of trick (although there is not really big things), but for those who care, this is:

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