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Thread: Send PSP to sony?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    Default Send PSP to sony?

    i'm just wondering, has anyone ever sent their psp in to sony for repairs, etc?
    my psp...err...long story short...broke, and i need it fixed. however, my reciept for the psp isnt from the psp i have, could this be a problem? what do they check from the reciept? cause i traded psp's with a friend who didnt care about homebrew, and he lost his reciept and box, i just have the ones for my old psp. and if they fix your psp(i need an lcd replacement), do they change the firmware at all? i dont want to lose my homebrews, as i dont play any psp games, only SNES/GBC/GENESIS/DOOM
    if anyone who has sent their psp in to sony or anyone with ANY advice, that would be great, and thanks in advance
    i hope i can get it fixed and have my 1.5 back, otherwise i dont know what i'd do, no homebrew on psp would be devastating

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro xuphorz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSP_Newbie
    i'm just wondering, has anyone ever sent their psp in to sony for repairs, etc?
    my psp...err...long story short...broke, and i need it fixed. however, my reciept for the psp isnt from the psp i have, could this be a problem? what do they check from the reciept? cause i traded psp's with a friend who didnt care about homebrew, and he lost his reciept and box, i just have the ones for my old psp. and if they fix your psp(i need an lcd replacement), do they change the firmware at all? i dont want to lose my homebrews, as i dont play any psp games, only SNES/GBC/GENESIS/DOOM
    if anyone who has sent their psp in to sony or anyone with ANY advice, that would be great, and thanks in advance
    i hope i can get it fixed and have my 1.5 back, otherwise i dont know what i'd do, no homebrew on psp would be devastating
    i sent mine to sony before, after i dropped mine
    they fixed it without a reciept, but i made sure i got rid of homebrew before sending it
    then again that was when 1.50 was the main firmware
    so i don't know if they will upgrade to 2.00 or not
    i wouldn't risk it tho

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro Cross's Avatar
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    Sony just tends to replace the parts. They do not do much further. I guess there is a 25% possiblity but every laptop I have sent in was just fixed and sent back. They do not test very much even as thats invaiding your personal privacy not to mention thats just to much effort for them. But with the PSP as it is I would remove the Homebrew and send it in I doubt they will play with the firmware unless something is wrong with the board.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    hey xuphorz, did u just call them and they didnt even ask for a receipt? what did u say? did u have to pay for it or was it covered by warranty? if u payed, ho much? anything you can say would be a great help
    and i think i would have to risk it, the cord caught and sent the psp right into a sharp corner, which cracked the LCD screen(the screen, not the glass covering on top)
    so now i cant see anything but weird screwed up barely visible version of what its supposed to show. its all cracked, lines going everywhere, and u can barely make anything out
    so i think i'd have to risk it^^
    but can u help me out on what u said if u got it covered in the warranty? cause that would be awsome. otherwise, i guess it would also be worth it to pay for a repair if they wont allow my old reciept...

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    as for the homebrew, i got everything homebrew-related on the 512mb stick, while i got rid of everything but the save games on my 32mb(so it doesnt look like i wiped it to get rid of anything i wouldnt want them seeing^^) so i think ill be safe there
    but it really sux that my friend lost the box/reciept, or it would have made things much easier. do u think they would accept my original reciept? or do they specifically look at the serial numbers on the box/reciept? again, anything u say would help

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    and what do u guys think btw, if they would compltely rewuire a reciept, do u think i should say that i lost the receipt, or just tell them that i traded w/ my friend like what happened, or just say i got the reciept and show em the old reciept? only problem though is that the serial # of the original psp is on the box, as well as the reciept, while the serial # of the actually psp would be different from the serial number on the box and the reciept.
    what do u guys think i should do? when i called them once, they asked for serial numbers, etc of the psp, and i got as far as when thet asked for the reciept, tho im not sure exactly what they were trying to confirm, would they match up the serial number?

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    or maybe i could act dumb...
    "Whaaaa? The reciept and box dont match the psp? thats weird...i though it did, maybe someone messed up and put the wrong one in? i did have it opened up and checked at the store..."

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro Cross's Avatar
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    Don't act anything all they are going to verify is that the unit is within the 1 yr warranty and since the PSP has not been out a yr ur not going to have to prove when u got it, thats all the record of purchase is required for.

    Thats why he did not need to send his record of purchase.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro PSP_Newbie's Avatar
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    errr...wasnt the psp release in the US less than 1 year ago? it was like late march, like 4 months ago...
    but that would definately be a relief, that would really help if thats all it was

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro Cross's Avatar
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    Yes it has been no where close to a yr they would not make Europe, etc wait over a yr after the US got it.

    When I called Sony when I first got my PSP because it has a dead pixel in dark conditions its noticable they just told me to send it in stripped of memory card, battery, Power adaptor, etc and send the unit. they will fix it and send it back.

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